The Ultimate Colon Cleansers

Do you suffer with digestive issues?
Constipation, diarrhoea or loose stools, bloating, cramping, excess gas, a feeling of fullness, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), acid reflux, polyps, diverticulitis, colitis, Crohn’s……….
The options are endless and the number of people suffering with one or more of these symptoms is also endless!

But help is here with three STAR foods you can work with to sweep clean the colon clean - apples, red cabbage and aloe vera, the ultimate colon cleansers…….


Apples really are the ultimate colon cleanser. They’re packed with pectin that gathers up bacteria, yeast, viruses and mould as it moves through your gut. It also collects up rotten fats and protein, and other debris that hides in the pockets and grooves of the large bowel.

To really get results from these fruits, it’s best to eat 3 per day and to commit to this for a period of time, for example 8-12 weeks. You can eat them whole, juiced, grated, sliced into salads or blended into a puree.

On an emotional and spiritual level, apples are an ancient food that connect back us back to source. They also help to change the energy within and around us, so we can attract in happier and brighter things. When you work apples, or any food, set your intention and time span clearly and watch the magic unfold.


Red cabbage is a member of the cruciferous family, a highly charismatic family of the plant world. These are foods that really like to bring out the best in those who choose to work with them, and they do this by sweeping them clean! Like all the cruciferous vegetables, red cabbage is packed with sulfur compounds that are deeply detoxifying but this vegetable has special powers as a result of its potent pigments that give it its vibrant purple colour. This beautiful colour makes red cabbage a highly effective liver rejuvenator and colon cleanser.
But not only that, when you combine red cabbage with apples, a special kind of alchemy is activated and this duo moves in powerfully to expel worms, parasites, bacteria and viruses from the colon and entire intestinal tract.

One of my favourite ways to combine these colon cleansing foods is by juicing them into a red cabbage & apple colon cleansing juice (pictured above), which you can find the recipe for here.


This beautiful plant has been used topically for centuries to soothe and heal the body from scrapes, burns and bites, for example. But less commonly has it been taken internally, which actually gives it a different level of potency, helping to absorb radiation from the body and soothe inflammation throughout the entire gut. It is like a whole colon cleanse all on its own.

To learn how to prepare and incorporate this plant into your life, please see my aloe vera protocol. 


Mostly people are embarrassed to discuss what’s going in their digestive organs, so instead they suffer on in silence in the hope that it will all just go away. And sometimes it does, for a lucky few, but mostly not. In most cases, ongoing symptoms are a sign of imbalance, a cry of help from your body to pay attention and take action.
But where do you start? Where is the issue even coming from? Is it the liver or gall bladder, small or large intestine, pancreas, stomach or spleen? What a minefield. And absolutely understandable that you might want to sweep it all under the carpet to be dealt with another day!


Most gut issues stem from a sluggish liver that has a lost its bile reserves and therefore its capacity to break down fats. When this happens, it puts pressure on the glands of the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid (HCL), which now has to break down not only proteins but also fats. In time, HCL levels also diminish leaving a weakened digestive system that is unable to properly break down food.
When food is not broken down properly, it sits around in the gut and rots, creating a breeding ground for bugs. They love it! They have the biggest party ever and before you know it, you’re suffering with symptoms of one sort or another!

There may also be an emotional component to your gut issues. When we experience trauma or wounding in life, parts of ourselves can go walkabouts, leaving areas of the body vulnerable, and these vulnerable areas in turn become a prime place for bugs such as bacteria and viruses to take up residence and create issues. 
Now it’s time to take action. It's time to turn towards food as your healer and towards yourself to face the deeper emotional layers. 

Wishing you much love, health and happiness,




Choosing Healing Foods is an Act of Self-Love