If there were one aspect of your health that you could focus on that would help with all the rest, it would be your liver.

This powerful, beautiful, masterful organ is your greatest ally in a world that is much like a toxic soup! But our poor livers are up against, crying out for help, beaten down by the workload, and we wonder why the rates of chronic illness and poor health are rising exponentially?!

Sickness and symptoms start with your liver. When your liver becomes overburdened from years of improper diet, too many fats, exposure to viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, as well as heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides, and all the other toxins, it gets overwhelmed. It cannot successfully carry out all of its over 2,000 chemical functions, as well as process all the garbage too. It starts to slow down and become sluggish.

Sluggish liver syndrome can result in a whole range of symptoms from weight gain to blood sugar imbalances to digestive disorders, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, skin issues, restless sleep, insomnia, reproductive disorders, hormone imbalances and so much more, which in turn can lead to more serious issues such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, cancer and diabetes, for example.


The good news is the liver is an organ that has incredible powers of healing and regeneration when you learn to work with it, rather than against it.

One way to do this is through regular cleansing. Taking ten days to do a structured cleanse, timed perhaps with the change of the seasons, is a beautiful gift to yourself.

In between these deeper, more structured cleanses, the trick is to learn how to cleanse in everyday life by dedicating your mornings to fruits and greens, and reducing your fats throughout the day, or eliminating radical fats altogether until dinner time. Radical fats are foods that derive the majority of their calories from fat such as animal foods, dairy, nuts, seeds, nut butters, olives and oils.

By doing this, you give the liver a chance to breathe by not having to produce bile. Every time you eat fat, the liver has to produce bile to break it down, which is a tiring process, especially when the liver is already overwhelmed. And most people’s bile levels are already low, as a result of too much stress and too many fats, which results in food not being broken down properly. This then puts pressure on the glands of the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid (HCL), required for the breakdown of proteins. Now HCL is not only looking after proteins but also assisting with fats, which wears it down too!

What happens next is a digestive breakdown!

Low bile, low HCL, food not being broken down properly, food sitting around in the gut and rotting, and finally a terrain that becomes a breeding ground for unproductive bacteria and pathogens.

This is how most gut conditions are born.

When it comes to doing more structured cleansing, my recommendation is the Medical Medium cleanses because they are so uniquely designed to support the liver and adrenals, and provide the body with all the nutrition and support that it needs to detoxify safely. This is not the case with most cleanses that tend to force the body to release too much poison too quickly, which is highly counter productive because it exhausts the adrenals and leaves the liver to mop up the mess - the very organ you are trying to support!

For day to day cleansing, I suggest bringing in the morning routine - lemon water, followed by celery juice on an empty stomach, followed by the heavy metal detox smoothie, all of which you can read more about in my downloadable morning cleanse PDF guide.

These two steps alone, of bringing in the morning routine and period deeper cleanses, are enough to start turning things around for many people. For others, you may need to go deeper, to really get in under longer term, more stubborn symptoms and conditions.

When it comes to healing, try to think of your body as an intricate orchestra piece, of which your liver is the main act. It is the glue that holds everything else together, enabling the music flow, so to speak! When you can tune into your body and liver in this way, you begin to generate a deep respect and gratitude for all the arduous work it performs and somehow, your health begins to shift!

Wishing you much love, health & happiness,



The wonderful world of sprouts!


The Ultimate Colon Cleansers