Rebecca O'Reilly, Certified Nutritionist and Naturopath

I'm Rebecca O'Reilly, a certified Nutritionist and Naturopath.

I have been studying food, natural medicine and spiritual healing extensively over many years. Originally from Ireland, I grew up with a love of cooking, plants and nature, which I later turned to, in a desperate search for answers to my own health condition.

Through all that I have studied and experienced, as well as my work with clients, I have gained a deep understanding of the body, mind, heart, soul and spirit, and the ways in which we can best reclaim our health, to restore balance, resilience and vitality.

My philosophy on food is that it is all about nourishing, alongside daily cleansing practices. Our modern world presents endless challenges in being well, so if we are to thrive in it, we need the right knowledge and tools to do so.

With a focus on the healing power of plant-based food, my approach is all about coming to know HOW we can use food as medicine, making it a part of daily life in a way that feels joyful and sustaining.  


Through an immensely challenging health journey of my own, I came to understand the true healing power of food and how to apply it. In doing so, I found my life’s purpose and greatest joy, to share this knowledge with others.


My interest in helping people restore their body’s balance stems from my own quest for answers to a set of symptoms that, for years, seemed disconnected and untreatable.

In my early twenties, I began to suffer one symptom after the next, from an absent menstrual cycle to skin eruptions, digestive problems, anxiety, low energy, headaches, sleep disturbances and more.

Determined to move beyond the daily torment, these experiences led me to explore my love of food and nature and to embark on a journey of deep inner work. I dedicated myself to understanding how I could heal my body using food and nature as my medicine.

The journey
Tree roots


This approach made sense to me because it focused on the WHY, rather than addressing symptoms in isolation, which had been my experience of western medicine. My whole being was considered, in order to seek out the root causes.

A key turning point arrived when I came across the work of Anthony William (the Medical Medium®), from whom I learned about the true ROOT causes of chronic illness – the WHY – its various triggers, and how I could truly use food to heal. As soon as I read his first book and dedicated myself to applying the information, one by one my symptoms began to heal. I knew I had finally found the truth and the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle. 


For many years, I suffered with chronic, persistent symptoms that I couldn’t reach. Seeing doctor after doctor but with no satisfying solutions offered, I lost faith in my ability to heal. But what I learnt is that chronic illness and symptoms require us to look deeper, to see beyond the quick fixes and many health fads and trends that exist today, and to root ourselves in understanding WHAT makes us sick and what is required to heal.

Pink flower
Rebecca O'Reilly, Certified Nutritionist and Naturopath


I hold a primary degree in Physiology, Sport Science and Nutrition, which I followed with an Msc in Public Health Nutrition at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. I subsequently trained in the Art of Healing Cooking & Macrobiotics, and qualified as a nutritionist and naturopath at the College of Natural Medicine, London.

Over the last decade, I have delivered cookery classes, workshops and retreats both here in UK and abroad. I have worked at health retreat centres across the world both as a holistic chef and Naturopath, and I have continued my training as a practitioner, healer and guide, with teachers such as Muneeza Ahmed, the Modern Medicine Woman, Jacqueline Rolandelli, the mystic feminine, and Terri George, life coach and spiritual guide.

My interest and study of the plant world continues, especially in connecting with plant spirits, and the consciousness and wisdom of plants. Plants hold so much deep medicine, beyond the physical planes, and I am lucky to have met some wonderful teachers for this work, including Rachel Corby of Wild Gaian Soul and Emma and Davyd Farrell of Plant Consciousness.

BANT Accreditation
Assocation of Naturopathic Practitioners Accreditation
Qualified Nutritional Therapist Accreditation from the College of Naturopathic Medicine
Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council Registered Accreditation