Air Freshners, scented candles, chemical fragrances & your health

Very often I am writing about topics that people don’t want to hear about and this is definitely one of them!
For some reason, when it comes to smells and smelling nice, people just don’t want to change their ways, even when it is contributing to their symptoms! I thought getting people to change their eating habits was hard enough but encouraging them to let go of scented candles, soaps or sticks, air fresheners and perfumes, is just as hard!
The problem is that all these products are made with synthetic chemicals are highly toxic.

They place a huge pressure on the lungs, liver, nervous and immune systems, which can trigger underlying symptoms or make existing symptoms worse. And sometimes, you might not even realise that your wonderful smelling product is making you worse because the more you’re exposed to it, the more desensitised you become to the smell. But NOT to its effects.
Here are some of the ways these products cause harm:

  1. The oily residue from air fresheners, scented candles and other products build a waxy, chemical residue in the lung sacs, which reduces oxygen availability and can contribute to a feeling of breathlessness or tightness in the chest.

  2. This same residue enters the liver through the bloodstream and causes a feeding frenzy because viruses and bacteria feast on it! This keeps pathogens reproducing and slows down the liver.

  3. The chemicals used to create synthetic fragrances smother immune cells, slowing them down, so that the immune system ultimately weakens.

  4. Chemical fragrances have a burning effect on the lungs, making the nerves in this area super sensitive. Symptoms such as migraines, burning skin, tightness in the chest and anxiety, can result.

  5. Synthetic chemicals desensitise our senses of taste and smell without us even realising. If you have ever done a cleanse, you will have experienced this for yourself, as your senses come back online.

  6. Toxic chemicals and heavy metals play a HUGE role in anxiety disorders. More and more people these days are suffering from anxiety and they don’t know why.

If you’re someone who already suffers from symptoms or conditions such as the following, it’s important that you take extra steps to eliminate as much synthetic chemical exposure as possible:

  • Dizziness

  • Fatigue

  • Brain fog

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Tingles and numbness

  • Tics or spasms

  • Burning skin

  • Headaches or Migraines

  • Eye floaters

  • Body pain

  • Chronic sinusitis

  • Allergies

  • Eye problems

  • MS

  • Lupus

  • Long Covid

  • Fibromyalgia

This starts in your home, as the air you breathe is as important as the food and water you put in your body.

Scented candles, air fresheners, incense, aftershave, colognes, perfumes, household cleaners and fabric softeners all need to go and be replaced by natural products.
Do not be fooled by products that say ‘natural fragrances’. This label is a little like ‘natural flavourings’ in food, which is essentially MSG.
Remember that knowledge is power. It is a means to rise above sickness, be your own healer and be one step ahead of the game!


brain fog & memory issues


Refuge in nature & gratitude for our food