an example of true food alchemy at work - the heavy metal detox smoothie

heavy metal detox smoothie

Amidst the realms of the healing food plants, which include, fruits, vegetables, herbs & spices and wild foods, specific combinations come together to make potent remedies or medicines.

This is the art of combining foods for a particular purpose and it forms part of the sacred alchemy of using food as medicine to heal your health and evolve your soul.

One such combination is the Medical Medium® Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie.


Heavy metals are a group of metals that have a high density and are toxic even low concentrations. Mercury, copper, lead, arsenic, cadmium, nickel and chromium are examples of heavy metals that get released into the environment, both naturally and as a result of industrial discharge.

The issue is that heavy metals are non-biodegradable and have a tendency to accumulate in living beings, to the extent that they have been inside many of us since before we were born.

Metals get passed down from one generation to the next and can be up to, a mind-blowing, one thousand years old!

However, each succeeding generation becomes more and more intolerant to these metals because over time they oxidise, causing damage to surrounding tissue and promoting inflammation by acting as a source of food for pathogens.

They literally poison the body and can inflict damage on virtually every system and organ including the brain, digestive, nervous and immune systems. They are at the root of diseases such as ADHD, Azheimer’s, OCD, depression, anxiety, autism, brain fog and memory issues.

In today’s world, heavy metals are a big problem because exposure to them is so high, on top of what we already carry. Herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, medications, scented candles, fragrances, medications and medical treatments are laden with heavy metals. They are in our food supplies and water systems and are hard to avoid.

But the good news is, we can do something about it by bringing in the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie.

The Medical Medium® Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie combines 5 key ingredients that work synergistically in the body to remove heavy metals.

Much like a football team, these foods spread themselves throughout the body uprooting metals from hard to reach places, passing them one to the next until they get swept out altogether.

So, let's take a look at what the 5 ingredients are:

This beautiful algae, said to be the most nutritionally complete food on the planet, draws metals predominantly from the brain, central nervous system and liver. It also soaks up metals that get extracted by barley grass juice powder.

Barley Grass Juice Powder
A mineral rich food that draws heavy metals from the spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, thyroid and reproductive system, and also prepares mercury for complete absorption by spirulina.

Gets right into those hard-to-reach places, extracting metals from years gone by. The magic of coriander lies in its living stems and leaves, which carry the minerals and phytochemicals that bind onto metals. And if you don’t like the flavour of coriander, there is a reason why. The more heavy metal oxidation happening within the body, the more likely you are to have an aversion to it. This is because the oxidation creates a run off that goes into the lymph and saliva, and when the coriander hits the mouth, it immediately starts to bind onto the run off creating, what can be for some, a nasty or abrupt flavour.

Wild blueberries
The greatest food source of antioxidants that exists, wild blueberries pull metals from brain tissue, whilst also healing and repairing any gaps created by oxidation when the heavy metals are removed. Wild blueberries are the most powerful food for halting, or in some cases, reversing Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Atlantic Dulse
This rich, purple sea vegetable is a critical part of the heavy metal team because it sits near the goal post in the colon waiting for the other foods that have been busy mopping up heavy metals along the way to make sure they get swept out. Dulse can also remove mercury all on its own, getting deep into the hidden places of the digestive tract, binding onto mercury and not releasing it until it leaves the body.

This smoothie is one of the most powerful protocols you can bring into your life on a daily basis. Not only is each food highly nutritious in its own right, this simple combination of foods can save your brain and your health in the longer term. For the full recipe, please see here.


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