rosehips & hawthorn syrup

Come autumn time, I love to gather the berries to make syrups. Elderberries in late summer and then rosehips and hawthorn a bit later. This combination of rosehips and hawthorn is wonderful. It is sweet and heart opening and packed with goodness. Rosehips contain a very special kind of Vitamin C, one that is highly bioavailable to the body and that transforms Vitamin C from other food sources into forms that are even more potent and useful for our cells. Hawthorn on the other hand is a big heart and circulatory system medicine, helping to strengthen the heart and pump the blood around the body. These two together energetically nourish, open the heart making us more receptive to love and light.

Rosehips & hawthorn syrup


200g fresh rosehips

100g fresh hawthorn berries

500ml water

100g raw honey


Rinse the rosehips and then place them in a food processor. Gently pulse to break them up.

Place in a saucepan and add the hawthorns.

Add the water, bring to the boil, then lower to a simmer with the lid off for about 2-25 minutes.

To strain, double fold a piece of muslin cloth and pour the liquid through. Then take a new piece of muslin and double fold again, passing the liquid through a second time. This double strain is important as rosehips contain tiny hairs that can irritate the throat.

Once strained, there should be about 200ml of liquid.

Allow it to cool to baby finger temperature before adding in the raw honey.

Place in sterlised jars or bottles and enjoy!


Autumn Beetroot & Apple Soup
