Just the words cleansing, detoxing or juicing are enough to get some people rattled. Are you one of those people?
Do you feel nervousness, overwhelm or skepticism at the prospect of doing a cleanse or preparing a fresh juice? If the answer is yes, have you asked yourself why?
For the skeptics in the room, there may be the belief that you don’t need to cleanse, as the body already does it for you. And yes, while it is true that the liver and other organs of detoxification are always working hard to clear out the junk and detoxify the body, it's really hard for these organs to keep up in the modern world. 
The liver has so much toxicity to contend with each day that its filer becomes easily clogged. This results in a slowing down of the organ and an overspill of waste into the bloodstream and lymphatic system, creating thick, sludgy blood. 

But when people cleanse, they tend to feel lighter, clearer, calmer, less symptomatic and more in tune with themselves and their body.

For those who feel nervous or overwhelmed at the prospect of embarking on a cleanse or bringing in more fresh juices, such feelings mostly arise a) from not knowing where to start and/or b) assuming it will be too much hard work!


It doesn't need to be such hard work and baby steps are the way to go. 

For example, a great place to start is with the The Morning Routine, which consists of lemon water, celery juice and the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie.  By focusing on fruits and greens with no radical fats before midday, one quarter of your day has already been assigned to cleansing and giving your liver the space it needs to do some deeper cleaning work. Also, by focusing on fruits and greens, as opposed to grains or fats, the body gets filled up with essential vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants. 
Equally, rather than focusing on complicated juices with lots of ingredients, simple juices involving as little as one ingredient can do wonders for your health. Here are some examples below:
1. Orange Juice 

  • Fights off pathogens

  • Deactivates toxic heavy metals

  • Helps dissolve kidney and gallstones

  • Rich source of bioactive calcium

  • Helps to build bones and teeth

2. Melon Juice

  • Binds onto mould, mycotoxins, viral neurotoxins, undigested protein toxins, ammonia gas and bacterial toxins flushing them out of the body

  • Reduces inflammation, aids weight loss and helps to flush out edema

  • Protects the brain and nervous system from stress-related strokes, aneurysms, and embolisms

  • Thins the blood and reduces heart attack risk 

  • Packed with antioxidants that helps to neutralize free radicals

3. Celery Juice

  • Helps to repair stomach acid and bile production to strengthen digestion

  • Critical for healing acid reflux

  • Flushes toxins from the liver

  • Feeds the brain and supports the adrenals

  • Brings down the pathogenic load in the body

4. Cucumber Juice

  • Hydrates the body at a deep cellular level

  • Flushes toxic adrenaline out of the liver and reduce liver heat

  • Brings down fever by cooling the body

  • Acts as a natural diuretic helping to flush the kidneys and kidney stones

  • Reduces swelling and bloating  

5. Pomegranite Juice

  • Dissolves kidney and gallstones, nodules, calcifications, and small cysts

  • Builds the blood by strengthening red and white blood cells

  • Restores precious glucose reserves in the liver

  • Regulates the hormones and flushes out unproductive estrogens

  • Detoxifies DDT and other pesticides  

Slow and steady is the way to go. On the Love Your Liver cleanses, we take it step by step with options for both beginners and more advanced cleansers. These protocols are life changing, and in as little as 21 days, many people start to turn symptoms around. 

Wishing you much love, health & happiness, 


Our Spring friend Nettle


bODY Swelling & Fluid Retention, Most Undesirable Symptoms!